Opening the kayak season 2019

Two days ago a personal weather record was beaten. It was almost 20 °C in Skelleftehamn. in April! In town 22.1 °C was measured, the warmest April day for at least 15 years. And that’s what my garden looks like: beside of a stubborn patch of snow in the shadow of my neighbour’s garage my garden is completely free of snow.

While the air was warm, the seawater was still very cold and I would not dare to paddle without a drysuit. I didn’t want to be boiled in the drysuit and so I postponed the kayak opening to today, when it was colder again.

When I leave the house at 8:45, it is 4 °C. My favourite starting point is still icebound, so I walk to the peninsula Näsgrundet with the kayak in tow. I use a belt and a rope to drag the kayak behind. When the kayak is balanced on the cart I have the hands free and can walk normally. 25 minutes later I reach the shore where I put on drysuit and life jacket. Soon I sit in the kayak and realise, that even though I miss winter there are fun things to do when it’s warm as well.

It’s colder on the sea and I put on my neoprene gloves and waterproof hood. As I expect some of the paddle routes are still blocked by ice. There is still ice between the island Bredskär and mainland so I cannot circle the island. I have to return. I pass a large ice floe – time to enter the floe for some minutes. It doesn’t move, probably it sits on a large rock.

I kayak along the islands Bredskär, Klubben and Flottgrundet, always along the open outsides. Then I head for the island Nygrundet, where I made a very special snowshow tour a month and a day ago. The ice heaps have vanished, only a long strip of ice follows the coastal line. Time to take a break and to have an early lunch. Crisp bread, cheese, fresh grapes and a bar of chocolate. I feel a bit cold and put on my lightweight down jacket, but I would have preferred my winter anorak. I even make a small fire on the ice but more for having it gemütlich than for additional warmth.

After the break I’m full and warm again. I pack my stuff and continue my kayak tour. I paddle along the outside of the islands Nygrundet and Gråsidan, where I make a short photo stop.

Then I continue to Bredskär, where some quite high ice walls are reminiscent of the winter.

I try to paddle between Flottgrundet and Bredskär but soon come to a large area of old and soft ice. I measure the thickness with the paddle – round 30 cm. I decide to walk over the ice and drag the kayak behind. First it works well …

… but then the ice gets softer and softer. Just some steps next to the island I break through. It is not a sudden movement, the ice just slowly gives way. Paired with the buoyancy of drysuit and life jacket that’s probably the reason why I only break in up to my chest. The hole is small and it’s a matter of seconds to get on the ice again. Carefully I take the last steps until I reach land.

Sea ice and lake ice have a strange way of melting in spring. The solid ice transforms to an array of long vertical ice needles. There is hardly any connection between one needle and the next and it’s not possible to lift larger pieces of ice from the water without breaking them. When you get out a smaller piece and drop it, it will splinter into many parts. The structure shown on the photos below is round 10 cm thick.

I continue walking, partly on ice, partly in shallow water. Then I can paddle again. But not for long. Soon I reach another ice field, this one looking very unstable. So I cross the ice by staying in my kayak and pushing myself forward with the hands. Ouch – the vertical ice needles hurt, even through the neoprene gloves. Alas it’s only 15 meters to cross, then I’m in open water again.

The rest of the tour? Slowly paddling back to the starting point – taking off the dry suit – putting on soft shell and down jacket because I feel cold – put the kayak onto the cart and attach it to the belt – walking home. The tour took 5 hours, 40 minutes. 5 km of walking, round 10 km of paddling. Here’s a sketch:

Legend:  on foot | kayak

5 comments to “Opening the kayak season 2019”

  1. Annika 2019-04-25 22:08

    Tolle Bil… Ach was sage ich? Weißt du ja.

  2. way-up-north 2019-04-25 22:12

    Heute habe ich ja hauptsächlich mit dem Fisheye experimentiert. Belichten ist hammerschwierig, deswegen ist der Himmel teilweise auch weiß oder irgendwas statt blau.

    Aber für manche Motive funktioniert es super.

    Aus der Sicht eines Landschaftsfotografen finde ich die meisten Fotos schlecht, aus der Sicht eines Fotojournalisten gefallen mir einige Fotos recht gut.

  3. Johanna 2019-04-25 22:58

    Hej Olaf , fein das Du Deine erste Kayak-Tour machen konntest .Und , Muskelkater ? War ja schon eine lange Strecke für`s Opening .Fotos wie immer interessant ! LG :-)

  4. Margrit Schneider 2019-04-28 10:39

    Hallo Olaf, that was a excursion, changing with ice and water between walking and paddling.
    Photos with fisheye, the large bow, I find very good and interesting
    Yours Ma

  5. way-up-north 2019-04-30 15:18

    Hej Johanna. Nein, Muskelkater hatte ich nicht. Allerdings habe ich die FSME-Impfung, die ich am Folgetag erhalten habe noch einige Tage gemerkt. Ob da ein Zusammenhang besteht? Ich weiß es nicht.

    Hello Margrit Schneider sometimes it’s fun to use a fisheye lens. The danger is that all photos look quite alike.

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