Låktatjåkko – between ski tour and luxury

Day 43 and 44

Yesterday it promised to be a fine day with great weather. The mountain valley Lapporten was gleaming and glowing in the early sun.

Annika und I planned to go to Låktatjåkko, the highest Swedish mountain lodge, where we planned to stay overnight and even to eat a three course dinner. It’s not far away from Björkliden where we started, but parts are quite steep. Therefore we decided to take the snow cat, that drives to Låktatjåkko every day. And I could sit in the front to take pictures.

After the first steep passage we left the snow cat, took our skis and backpacks and continued the way on our own. The view over the snowy mountains and the lake Torneträsk was just amazing.

But some steep passages waited for us and after the first longer part we made a longer rest enjoying the sun, food and our warm down jackets.

After a while we continued our tour, short in kilometres but still quite steep, at least without skins. But finally the Låktatjåkko Mountain Lodge came into view.

We were greeted by the two women running the Lodge. We asked how many people would stay over night. “Just you two”. And how many people will eat the three course dinner? “Just you two”. Now the pure luxury part began. We had a sauna, we sat in the fireplace room the fire already lit and at 7 p.m. we got a fantastic dinner, just the two of us! And we just did nothing for it. Almost a bit crazy!

After a snowy and quite windy night I went outside to take some pictures. The light was so diffuse, that it was hard to see where terrain went up or down. Therefore we took a quite relaxed morning waiting for the snow cat to come and bring us down into civilisation again.

Thank you, Ulrika and Yanina for the great service and the fantastic food. This is a place where we would love to be snowed in for a while.


6 comments to “Låktatjåkko – between ski tour and luxury”

  1. Annika 2015-02-27 13:49

    Und alles richtig gemacht–muss man sagen nach der etwas eingenebelten Rückfahrt :-) Toll war’s!!!

  2. Ricarda 2015-02-27 14:28

    Sieht toll aus, so ein “zugeschneites” Haus !
    Man könnte meinen, ihr seid am Nordpol gelandet…..
    Wie lange würde man denn für den Weg benötigen wenn kein Snowcat fahren würde ? Allerdings lässt ja die Aussicht auf ein leckeres Menü vermutlich jede Strapaze vergessen…..
    Schönes Wochenende !

  3. Annika 2015-02-28 08:20

    Kommt drauf an, wie schnell Du bergauflaufen kannst, Ricarda. Wir haben fast drei Stunden gebraucht, weil ich so langsam bin, und sind die ersten drei Kilometer gefahren. Wenn man nix fährt, alles läuft und fitter ist, vielleicht also auch 3-4 Stunden. Sind 11 Kilometer.

  4. way-up-north 2015-03-03 19:56

    Annika: Ja, das war eine schöne Tour, die Lust auf mehr macht.

  5. Christine Scott 2018-08-10 19:01

    Thanks for telling us about your adventure. It sounds really memorable

  6. way-up-north 2018-08-10 19:20

    Definitely not the last time we’ve been there I guess.

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