A day trip into the valley Vistasdalen

Day 45 – a ski tour into the valley Vistasdalen

Today Annika and I made a shorter ski tour into the valley Vistasdalen. Some sun, some clouds and a beautiful views on the snowy mountain scenery. 6 km into the valley, 7 km back, partly on snow mobile and ski trails, partly cross country on soft and loose snow through small birch forests, over bog, lakes and small frozen rivers. Four barking dogs, a snow grouse, a lonely cabin and many, many moose tracks.


4 comments to “A day trip into the valley Vistasdalen”

  1. Elijah 2015-02-28 23:30

    Beautiful pics! I love the snow grouse walking like on a mission!

  2. Ricarda 2015-03-01 18:43

    Du verwöhnst uns schon wieder mit so herrlichen Aufnahmen !

  3. Alex 2015-03-03 00:23

    Nice to see that you enjoyed our Vistasvaggi :-)

  4. way-up-north 2015-03-03 19:54

    Thank you, Elijah. I like the old shed best.

    Ich versuch mein Bestes, Ricarda ;-)

    Of, course, Alex, it’s a great place and I’m looking forward to hike through the whole valley one day.

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