Just a little ski tour

No survival suit, no down coverall, not crossing sea ice, not being frostbitten – just a normal little ski trip, that’s what I did today. Most time I followed tiny paths through the forest, partly I skied on the ice along the coast. Just being out two hours, hardly 6 km, that’s nice, too. And it was even a bit warmer: -20 °C.

4 comments to “Just a little ski tour”

  1. Annika 2016-01-20 17:32

    Ich finds superschön und erinnere mich an letztes Wochenende :-)

  2. way-up-north 2016-01-20 20:10

    Ja, das war schön. Skilaufen war heute aber leichter. Nur im Wald liegt immer noch nicht wirklich genug Schnee.

  3. Sandra 2016-01-21 10:26

    What a amazing winterworld…

    Enjoy the day…

  4. way-up-north 2016-01-21 21:50

    I did, Sandra. One photo is online, some other may follow later.

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