Kungsleden ski tour: Sälka
This article is part of the series “2016-02: Ski tour on the Kungsleden”.
From the Singistugorna to the Sälkastugorna
23 February · 12 km · Link to map
After I stayed in Singi for two days, I continued to Sälkastugorna (or short Sälka), the next mountain hut. The sky was overcast but the sight was good.
The first part took a bit of time, since there were some quite steep snowdrifts to cross, which is not so easy with the pulka always dragging down. After a while the clouds declined, it started to snow and the sight worsened a bit.
Soon the tiny hut Kuoperjåkka came into sight. You can rest in this hut and it even has a little oven, but only for emergency situations. I shovelled away the snow in front of the door, entered the hut and took a small break. Not that I already was tired after five kilometres, but it’s nice to sit there sheltered from snow and wind and look through the window – even if you hardly can see something. (Taking away the door of the toilet would take longer time as you can see on the second photo.)
After the break I continued the tour. Wind increased and I put on the fur rimmed hood. There was not much to see. When I looked down I could see the blue tips of my skis, when I looked up I could see some waymarks, perhaps some rocks or a tuft of grass. Looking down – looking up – the movements are repetitive, even meditative. Looking down – looking up – what’s that? Sälka is already in view. It’s not a long way from Singi to Sälka, just twelve kilometres.
Arriving in Sälka was like a culture shock. In Singi I was the only guest, here I could see a bunch of pulkas standing outside and when I entered the kitchen of the open hut, it was stuffed with people! 18 people fit in this hut (plus two extra in a tiny locked room) and 18 people we were. 18 people firing the oven and drying their shoes … . Jungle climate! But I got my bed and a place to cook, that’s all you really need.
… and a sauna. It’s not essential to have a sauna, but it’s great, especially, when you can pour a bucket full with hot water over yourself feeling refreshed and clean again.
After the sauna I sat inside, prepared and ate my pasta and chatted with the other people, that came from Belgium, Germany and the US. The weather once again became bad. Wind became stormy and it started to snow more heavily. When people went to the utedass – the earth toilet, 200 meters away, they were clad like for an arctic expeditions: face masks, ski goggles, heavy mittens, headlamps – all for a walk to the toilet.
But as fast weather can worsen, it can improve as well. One hour later the snowfall stopped, the wind fell asleep, sky cleared up and the moon lightened the valley and the nearby mountains. It’s these contrasts I love!
A short day trip into the Stuor Reaiddavággi
24 February
The next day I made a short trip up into the Stuor Reaiddavággi. “vággi” is the sami name for valley and this valley leads to Nallo, another mountain hut that was still closed. You can sleep in closed huts, too, they always have an open emergency room, but you’re completely on your own. I didn’t plan to go to Nallo, even if it’s only 9 km.
(Today I think, I should have done it, since Nallo is one of the huts with the most beautiful location I know.)
Anyway, I just went up – first to a ravine, then I climbed up the slope following the Stuor Reaiddavággi. The sky cleared up more and more and all mountain tops came into view. Sälka was miles away and I was alone by myself amid of this great mountainscape.
After a while and a short break with tea and raisins I returned “home” to the Sälkastugorna. The plan for the next day: Continuing my ski tour to Tjäktja.
5 comments to “Kungsleden ski tour: Sälka”
Neil Crighton 2016-03-04 15:05
another good story…
Ricarda 2016-03-05 12:55
Hab mich grad durch die letzten Artikel durchgelesen und bin begeistert von dieser herrlichen Landschaft ! Freu mich schon auf weitere wunderbare Aufnahmen dieser fantastischen Gegend…..
Ma HB 2016-03-05 17:11
Dear Olaf, phantastic landscape, but I couldn’t be there total allone.I would feelscared. Why? I cannot explain that. No person could hurt me . Anyway, when I have time, I will try to paint a white picture. But it is very difficult to reproduce this. Yours Ma HB
Annika 2016-03-07 09:28
Die Sternenbilder!
way-up-north 2016-03-07 10:07
Neil Crighton: Thank you.
Ricarda: Ein Artikel ist ja schon online, ein weiterer kommt noch heute oder morgen.
Ma HB. Of course it’s more safe not being alone in the Swedish Mountains, but I didn’t feel scared at all. And it’s worth doing such a tour – even if being alone.
Annika: Vor allem schön mit kerzenbeleuchteter Hütte darunter.