A trip above the treeline

Today the weather was really nice in Venneshamn in Norway. I took the car to drive to a mountain area not far away. At least, if you can fly … . If you take the car in Norway, there’s always at least one fjord you have to drive round, in this case the Verrasundet. So it took a bit longer than excepted taking the ways 191, 193 and 720 round the fjord. Finally I approached the street to the lake Ormsetvatnet. Street, well … it’s more like a steep gravel path, that you can drive up some kilometres to a parking place. The last kilometre to the lake is closed for cars and I had to walk it.

At Ormsetvatnet I crossed a dam wall, walked up a tree covered slope and soon was above the treeline. To be honest, I’m not too fond of forests, when it comes to taking pictures and I’m always glad, when I leave the trees behind when doing a mountain trip.

Now I was on a hilly plateau, the Vakkerheia. Some of the flat mountain tops were marked with piles of stones.

In the plain valley between the hilly tops the ground is soft and wet. Sometimes I had to go round shallow ponds and bogs, but mostly the ground was easy to go. In and round the swampy ponds the cotton grass was blooming. To my big delight there were many cloudberries plants growing in the lesser wet parts and the berries were ripe and ready to eat!

Picking cloudberries can be tedious, because of the many bloodthirsty horseflies that seem to guard them. I think, I slew most of them, but some bit me anyway.

After some hours of a really relaxed mountain hike I took another way back until I came to the gravel road again, where my parked car waited for me.

Half a day later

A thunderstorm approaches from the west. The center seems to be above the very same area that I wandered some hours earlier. The thunder and lightnings were as impressive as the intense colours, that I could see from the other side of the fjord. I was glad, that I haven’t been on that plateau – there would be hardly any place to seek shelter from the massive rain fall or to protect from the dangerous lightnings.


And since we’re living in the age of selfies …

4 comments to “A trip above the treeline”

  1. Ricarda 2016-07-30 15:45

    Ja Selfies müssen heutzutage einfach sein…. :-)….wobei bei mir immer der Arm zu kurz ist und extra einen Selfiestick zu kaufen ist mir dann doch zu doof.

    Aber die Landschaftsaufnahmen sind klasse ! Vor allem dieses Wolken-Licht-Farben-Schauspiel hats mir angetan !

    Schönen Sonntag noch !

  2. way-up-north 2016-07-30 21:31

    Dir auch ein schönes Wochenende, Ricarda.

  3. Ma HB 2016-07-31 19:54

    Nice to see you! And the photo from thunderstorm is so phantastic. L G Ma HB

  4. way-up-north 2016-07-31 20:50

    Hello Ma HB, it doesn’t happen often, that I make “selfies”, but sometimes I think it’s nice.

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