4×4 winter impressions of Kirkenes
This article is part of the series “2017-02: Northern Norway”.
Kirkenes – the harbour
While Annika and our friends in Kirkenes enjoyed their breakfast in the Hotel Thon I took a short promenade along the Johan Knudtzens gata to take some pictures. Already the view from the hotel terrace over the fjord is quite impressive and shows the beauties of the arctic nature while the harbour shows the more practical sides of living here: fishing, both commercially and just for fun.
A hike onto the top of the Lyngberget
After the breakfast we took the car to Jakobsnes and a bit further to take a promenade up the mountain Lyngberget, which lies on the other side of the Bøkfjorden. Here you can have a wide view over the whole town of Kirkenes – at least as long it doesn’t snow, as it did on our way back. I just love these wintry landscapes where you have views over fjell and fjord, but the wind was quite chilly and soon we looked like the participants of an arctic expedition.
The Huskies of the Kirkenes Snowhotel
Today we played tourists and visited the Kirkenes Snowhotel, which is just some hundred metres away. The Snowhotel has 180 Huskies including the seniors plus 30 puppies. The huskies are like we humans – some are working, some are resting, some are curious and some are shy. But they are all very kind and friendly.
Inside the Kirkenes Snowhotel
I slept in tents, in igloos and outside in wintertime. I even slept in the Kirkenes Snowhotel two years ago. This time Annika and I enjoy sleeping in the inside of our friends house (Thank you for your great hospitality, Christine and Ørjan) but gave the Snowhotel a visit. And it was worth it – especially the lounge with it carved ice blocks is very impressive.
Tomorrow we’ll leave this fine place, take the car to Vardø in the North (yes, that’s still possible!) and take the Hurtigruten from there to our next destination.
2 comments to “4×4 winter impressions of Kirkenes”
Martin 2017-02-22 18:49
Hallo Olaf,
während ich 3 Wochen brauchte, um nur eine Serie über das obere Narew-Tal im Winter (Nordostpolen) zustande zu bringen, servierst Du uns ein Feuerwerk an unterschiedlichsten Winter-Stimmungen, -Landschaften und -Events. Die Vielfalt ist beeindruckend!
Auf einzelne Bilder kann ich jetzt und in der nächsten Zeit nicht eingehen, obwohl es mich schon manchmal in den Fingern juckt … Gerade aus Ostpolen zurück, werde ich ganz bald mit meiner Familie in Fjätervalen (bei Idre) 2 Wochen Skiferien (Wandern, nicht Abfahrt) machen. Die Tage sind knapp, um diese Reisen richtig nach- und vorzubereiten. Deshalb z. Zt. keine Kommentare von mir. Aber auch das wird sich wieder ändern.
Euch wünsche ich eine schöne Fortsetzung der Norwegenreise!
Gruß Martin
way-up-north 2017-03-03 15:33
Vielen Dank, Martin.
Unglaublich, was man alles für Eindrücke innerhalb von nur 15 Tagen haben kann (inklusive 4 Tage Autoan- und rückreise). Jetzt sind wir wieder zu Hause, aber auch hier gibt es noch richtig Winter.
Bevor ich den geniessen kann, muss ich aber erst einmal ein paar Dinge erledigen.
Schöne Grüße,