A view from the rock dump

The peninsula Näsgrundet is one of my favourite places for photographing in Skelleftehamn. There are many motifs especially in wintertime. The snowy rocky coast, the ice covered Baltic Sea or the island Gåsören on the horizon. Probably you have seen some of the motifs here in my blog.

Mostly I take the car. I drive along the street Näsuddsvägen. To the left there are the huge cisterns for storing oil and other chemicals, part of Oljehamn, the oil port of Skellefteå. To the right, on the other side of the bay Kallholmsfjärden there’s the peninsula Rönnskär, home to several industrial facilities. Most prominent is Boliden Rönnskär, one of the world most efficient copper smelters.

There are several rock dumps beside the street. Since last year there’s a huge one between street and bay. Today I went up the slope and watched the sunset. These are perhaps not the photos I normally made home in Skelleftehamn, but the industry is part of this coastal region, too.

Have a look at the last photo: It looks like the peninsula Näsgrundet with its red houses and the tug boat to the left would almost touch the island Gåsören with its lighthouse. The distance between them however is more than 1.5 km. It’s the telephoto lens that makes the distance shrink, at least visually.

By the way: if you live here and wonder why my car is so dirty – one of the reasons is this huge water puddle that I have to “ford” when going to eller coming from Näsgrundet.


4 comments to “A view from the rock dump”

  1. Johanna 2019-03-28 21:46

    Auch wenn die große Pfütze Deinem Auto nicht gut getan hat ; das Foto ist toll! Gefällt mir :-)

  2. way-up-north 2019-03-28 22:07

    Ach, das ist dem Auto egal, Johanna. Dreckig ist es ja eh. Mein nächstes Auto wird glaube ich braun-grau meliert ;-)

    (Aber kein Flecktarn, das ist mir zu militärisch.)

  3. Johanna 2019-03-28 22:11

    Oder ich muss doch noch Stricken. ….

  4. way-up-north 2019-03-28 22:11


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