Finally it’s snowing again

After two weeks with warmer temperatures, rain and a lot of fog it has become colder again and last night it started to snow. 15 cm fresh snow has already fallen.

Thursday, 16:55: -7.6 °C and it’s still snowing. Looks like I need gloves and a cap for jogging. And of course a headlamp, because sunset was already three hours ago.


One hour later. 40 minutes of (slow) jogging through the wintry landscapein the dark. Exhausting, but beautiful!

My car tracks from this morning are mostly snowed over. The latest tracks are not from a car, but a snowmobile. Now I hope, that the great people of the Friluftsfrämjandet Skelleftehamn soon prepare the illuminated ski track. I’m longing for some afterwork cross-country skiing.

5 comments to “Finally it’s snowing again”

  1. Johanna 2019-11-28 19:06

    …🎤….Let it snow, let i snow, let it snow 🎶

  2. way-up-north 2019-11-28 19:08

  3. Johanna 2019-11-28 19:16


  4. Margrit Schneider 2019-11-29 11:53

    I planned to work in the garden, but it began raining so strong. The radio said, it will be a little bit raining and then sunny. So I will play on the piano.
    Yours Ma

  5. way-up-north 2019-12-04 19:35

    Playing piano is always a good idea!

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