Embracing the winter
Today? Thursday. A normal working day at my home office in Obbola, Sweden. Well – almost.
(1) There’s this incredible view from my home office.
(2) … and the possibility to take a small break and plunge through deep snow. First to our “own” bay Grundviken, then to the coast. The ice fog above the open sea glows in the rising sun.
(3) … and the after-work cross-country skiing on “Olles Spår” together with Annika. It’s -19 °C but as long as you are moving, you stay warm.
After that: Thai food. Then home. Hot shower. Outside temperature: -20.4 °C, this winter’s coldest day yet.
2 comments to “Embracing the winter”
Annika Kramer 2021-01-21 09:03
Schon schön bei uns. :-) <3
way-up-north 2021-01-21 19:24
So wahr!