The forest is covered in snow

Snow fell in the last two weeks. Not in the South of Sweden, much less in the North of Lapland, but a lot in the province Västerbotten where Annika and I live, amongst others a bit west and north of Umeå.

Today we wanted to go up the hill Hemberget in Tavelsjö (or at least try). We parked our car at the church, crossed the road and skied up to the cemetery. There we followed the advice of a sign to cross the cemetery. Leaving the wrought iron gate behind we were lucky to find a snowmobile trail to follow through the forest. The forest was deeply covered in snow.

The trail crossed a cross-country ski run twice and vanished into thin air. We followed the way marks on the ski run and then left it to continue on untouched snow. At least we tried. While I managed to ski ten metres, Annika who has much shorter skis was bogged down in the deep powder. It was no surprise, I already guessed that we wouldn’t reach the top due to the snow conditions. So we changed plans and skied on the Tavelsjö skidspår, the cross-country ski run. A short, but extremely beautiful circular trail. It was so fun to slide on the perfectly prepared run that I forgot to take any photos.

The snow in the forest was round 130 cm deep. How I measured it? With my ski pole, which is 150 cm long. I sticked it into the snow at many places and looked about how much was left in average. But there’s also another method of measurement:

The photo was taken three steps beside the ski run. Here the snow was so loose, that even with skis I stood knee deep in snow, sinking deeper with every motion. I unmounted the skis and hopped. With a PLOP! –  I landed in chest deep powder snow and took a selfie for my blog. Then I wanted to continue to catch up with Annika. I wasn’t stuck but I didn’t I manage to get my feet onto the skis that now lay one metre above my feet in the powder. I had to crawl back to the ski run where it was easy again to mount. I guess we never would have reached the summit of Hemberget today, at least not with these skis.

So I plan to look for Tegsnäs skis for Annika. It’s time. These wooden skis are a much better choice for such snow. There are 225 – 240 cm long and also broader than normal tour skis. Disadvantage: I’m not sure if we manage to put them into Annika’s Volkswagen Golf. Well, we’ll see …

9 comments to “The forest is covered in snow”

  1. Annika 2021-01-24 18:54

    Doch mal ne Dachbox…?

  2. way-up-north 2021-01-24 18:55

    Da passen die Tegsnäs nicht rein. zu lang.

  3. Wolfgang 2021-01-25 17:39

    Ich finde die OAC KAR ganz gut. Kurz und wendig, Tiefschnee tauglich und passen sogar in einen Golf ;)
    Falls ihr wieder mal in die Tavelsjöer Gegend kommt, könnt ihr gerne einen Blick drauf werfen…

  4. way-up-north 2021-01-25 20:29

    Hej Wolfgang,

    hast Du selbst Erfahrungen damit? Wie sieht das aus, wenn es hoch und runter geht?

  5. Wolfgang 2021-01-26 06:44

    Ja, ich habe selber ein Paar OACs. Die sind eine Mischung aus Schneeschuh und Ski, nur dass man damit nicht stapfen muss, sondern eher rutscht und gleitet (in der Ebene). Wenn der Untergrund aber recht glatt ist, z.B. ein geräumter Waldweg oder eine ausgefahrene Scooterspur, dann ist der Geraudeauslauf im Vergleich zu einem “normalen” Ski nicht besonders gut und die OACs fangen an zu schwimmen.
    Die Felle haben einen guten Gripp im Aufstieg, ausser es ist eisig oder sehr lockerer Schnee. Runter zu sind die Ski gut zu kontrollieren. Man kann kleine Bögen fahren oder Telemarken.

  6. way-up-north 2021-01-26 06:46

    Interessant. Muss ich mal ausprobieren.

  7. way-up-north 2021-01-26 18:42

    Wolfgang: Wohnst Du in Tavelsjö?

  8. Wolfgang 2021-01-27 13:13

    Ich wohne nicht direkt in Tavelsjö, aber in der Nähe. Wenn du die OACs ausprobieren magst, dann komm einfach mal vorbei. Ich nehme an, dass du meine Email-Adresse in deinem Blog-Admin sehen kannst. Melde dich, wenn’s wär’ …

  9. way-up-north 2021-01-28 20:25

    Ja, Deine E-Mail kann ich sehen. Ich melde mich, wenn wir mal in der Gegend sind.

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