A Saturday road trip
This article is part of the series “2021-07: Back in Tromsø”.
A new used car and a sunny Saturday – off I go for a road trip.
km 29.5 – Isaksens Kiosk
In Fagernes I leave the E8 and take the 91 through a valley between the mountains. Before that I stop at Isaksens Kiosk and buy something to drink. Some other cars park here, too. Mostly it’s families that stop to have some ice cream.
km 41.1 – road 91
The mountains in Northern Norway are impressively massive and sometimes you cannot imagine that the road continues somehow. But some do …
km 51.9 – view on the Lyngen Alps
… and so does the road 91. A small part of the rugged Lyngen Alps comes into view.
km 53.5 – Breivikeidet Fergekai
I continue the 91 but soon the road ends. Not because of the mountains, but the fjord Ullsfjorden. The weather is warm and sunny and I am waiting for the ferry to Svensby.
On the ferry
For me even a short boat trip makes a single day to a holiday. I just love standing outside (in every whether), look at the waves and watch the slowly changing landscape.
km 60.7 – Nyheim
Just a Norwegian house and a barn. And a pasture. And a fjord in the background. And mountains behind. Beautiful even without the sun, that has been covered by a layer of clouds.
Would I want to live here? No, it’s too far away from Tromsø and other towns.
km 75.3 – Lyngseidet
It already half past two – time for a late lunch break. When you travel through Northern Norway and want to eat something warm it will be pizza or burgers in most of the cases. It you are not Norwegian you will find it incredible expensive, but so is food, cars, housing and almost everything else.
The burger costed 189 NOK (18 Euro) and was really tasty.
Here the road 91 continues – as another ferry to Olderdalen. I however take the road 868 heading south.
km 83.5 – low tide
The Lyngen Alps are more impressive as seen from the west but I like the shallow waters of the fjord Lyngen, too, especially in low tide.
km 113.9 – Badjánanluokta
Another tidal flat, more reflections. There are few things that I consider as relaxing as strolling along the shore of the sea.
Anyhow, it’s already 5 o’clock in the afternoon and I have at least another 100 km to go until being back. So no more photos until …
km 203 (or so) – Extra Tromsdalen
At the Extra supermarket I buy some food for the evening and the next day. In opposite to Sweden the supermarkets in Norway are closed un Sundays. Then I cross the road E8 by foot and soon stand by the shore of the Tromsøysundet where I have a look on Tromsø (including my workplace) and the large bridge crossing the sound.
Round 15 minutes later I arrive at my temporary home in Tromsø.
In Norway it takes time to go by car. I should have learned that by now but still I underestimate how many hours it takes to travel when you want to take some stops. Next time I hopefully will start earlier – this day I didn’t start before 11 o’clock.