Norwegian summer journey I

This article is part of the series “2021-08: Northern Norway”.

Annika and I have two weeks holiday and are travelling through Northern Norway. Our southernmost point: Lofoten, right now we are in Hammerfest.

Ten images looking back:

10 – We are on the high plateau Sennalandet. There are hardly any trees and the road E6 crosses the plateau in a straight line. I can imagine how rough and lonely this place may be in winter.

9 + 8 – The Øksfjordjøkelen is definitely worth the 16 km detour. The parking place and the small path leading through the sparse birch forest grant impressive views on this glacier. When the weather is clear.

7 – It’s grey on our passage from Andenes, Vesterålen to Gryllefjord, Senja. I stand on the top deck of the ferry and wonder how many tourists may have rung this bell and what had happened then.

6 – We just left Andenes by ferry. The razor sharp mountain line of Bleik will soon transform into a whitish grey scheme slowly vanishing in the drizzle.

5 + 4 – It is grey on our short ferry passage from Fiskebøl, Lofoten to Melbu, Vesterålen, too.

3 – One of the typical features of the Norwegian landscapes is the presence of high summits and fjords. Sometimes the mountains are reflected in the water surface of the sea.

2 – Hauklandstranda is one of these incredible beaches on the Lofoten islands with white sand and turquoise water. The sun is shining – time for a bath. Air temperature 11 °C, water 12 °C. Not as cold as expected.

1 – We pass Sildpollnes kapell on the Lofoten twice. Once on our way south and once when heading back again. There’s a parking place by the road where stairs and ways lead up to some hills that present a view over the landscapes around.

0 – On Saturday I leave Tromsø to fetch Annika from Riksgränsen train station in Sweden. It’s still not possible to travel further to Narvik by train. Our destination today: a room in Tjeldsundbrua.

6 comments to “Norwegian summer journey I”

  1. Martin 2021-08-26 11:09

    Fun fact:
    1: Go to Google Maps and Type your former destination “Øksfjordjøkelen”.
    2: Look on the foto which is displayed for representing the region :-o

    Have a nice trip!

  2. Ricarda 2021-08-26 12:33

    Herrliche Bilder !
    Egal ob Lofoten, Vesterålen oder Senja, alle Inseln sind immer wieder ein Traum und es wird auch nie langweilig die Gegenden dort zu erkunden. Weiterhin viel Spass und wunderschöne Momente auf Eurer Reise !

  3. Johanna 2021-08-26 14:38

    Habt eine schöne Zeit:-)

  4. way-up-north 2021-08-26 19:50

    Martin: Nun ja, die Auswahl der Häuser an dem offiziell ausgeschilderten Aussichtspunkt war eher gering ;-)

    Ricarda: Vielen Dank. Inzwischen sind wir in Lakselv. Die Berge mögen weniger spektakulär sein als die von Lofoten bis Lyngen, aber ich finde die Landschaften auch in ihrer Kargheit genauso beeindruckend.

    Johanna: Vielen Dank! Wir sind noch keine Woche unterwegs und es kommt uns schon vor, als hätten wir nie etwas anderes gemacht als durch Norwegen gereist. Ein schönes Gefühl. Allerdings sind wir auch schon erholt in den Urlaub gegangen.

  5. Margrit Schneider 2021-08-29 17:30

    Dear O und A, I wish you further very good holidays in the wonderful countryside. Great Photos !

  6. way-up-north 2021-08-30 18:27

    Thanks a lot, Ma!

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