Thursday paddling – 1 september

It was five weeks ago that I joined the Thursday paddling of my kayak club in Tromsø last time. That time we were only three paddlers, today we were 19. Could be the weather ;-)

One group of eight returned after a while, we others continued to the beach at Telegrafbukta where we took a longer break. While we had the wind in our backs on the way there, the wind already started to die down on our way back. Good luck! It was beginning to get dark, but many paddlers were prepared and had lights on their kayaks and themselves to be seen.

Some photos from today:

Takk for turen!

2 comments to “Thursday paddling – 1 september”

  1. Annika Kramer 2022-09-02 06:42

    Kajaks in der Telegrafbukta, das sieht immer so schön aus.

  2. way-up-north 2022-09-02 15:08

    Ja, das finde ich auch.

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