Wind and weather
Friday, 26 January
I took this photo at two o’clock in the afternoon just after I had walked home from work. I enjoyed my new apartment and the view from the balcony.
But I knew, that this beautiful weather wouldn’t last. The forecast predicted rain and storm.
Saturday, 27 January
In the evening the weather already had changed. It good warmer, rain clouds covered the moon and the speed of the hardest gust was wind was 24 m/s¹.
28 January
On Sunday the wind calmed down a bit but the forecast for the next day showed wind gusts of 36 m/s in the afternoon. That’s Beaufort 12 – “hurricane-force”. I wasn’t the only one who decided to work from home the next day.
29 January
And the weather became really nasty, although not as bad as expected. I was glad to be able to stay inside anyhow.
Let’s not forget, that Tromsø lies sheltered on the island Tromsøya surrounded by mountain chains. There are other places that are much more exposed to the elements. For example Torsvåg lies on a small island west of Vannøya. There the strongest wind gusts were round 41 m/s².
1 February
After two calmer yet warmer and very rainy days another storm had arrived, this time with gusts up to 30.8 m/s in Tromsø³.
Laughable the people in Kvaløyfjellet på Sømna probably would say. There the average wind speed between 1 and 2 in the night was 54.4 m/s (196 km/h)! That’s a new wind record for whole Norway⁴. And the gusts exceeded 60 m/s.
The nice thing: After all that rain in Tromsø it snowed again. When I arrived home the wind has already calmed down but the entry of my flat was caked in snow.
2 February
And the next morning it still snowed.
When I walked home today I crossed the cemetery. And there everything was snowed in and many tombstones were completely hidden under the snow. As if rain and storm never happened.
2 comments to “Wind and weather”
Martin Franz 2024-02-09 10:50
Lieber Olaf,
ich weiß garnicht genau, wie oft ich diese Bildserie von 8 Tagen (26. 1. bis 2.2.) angesehen habe. Jedes Bild eine Überraschung, und das ganze ohne einen Sonnenstrahl. Es ist eine perfekte Serie. Glückwunsch!
Na Ja! Die Bilder aus dem ganzen Winter schaffen so eine dichte Atmosphäre, dass es eine Freude ist und sie einfach Fernweh auslösen müssen!
Wie sagt man? Schlechtes Wetter gibt oft die besten Bilder! Aber bei uns hier im Münsterland bei Dauerregen und Plusgraden kann ich dem nur begrenzt zustimmen.
Ich freue mich auf weitere Fotos von Dir aus dem hohen Norden!
way-up-north 2024-02-14 21:33
Lieber Martin,
ach, ich freue mich immer über Deine Kommentare, denn sie helfen mir, meine eigenen Fotos mal wieder genauer anzuschauen. Ein kleiner Schubs von außen. Danke dafür!