Back in Tromsø and it’s winter

When I worked in Tromsø on 20 November I took a snapshot through the window panes of the 5th floor. You could guess the sun between the mountains. It would be the last time I’d see the sun in Tromsø this year.

The next day I travelled to Germany to visit friends. I returned yesterday, 30 November and could see the sunset a bit north of Bergen from the airplane back to Tromsø.

In Tromsø we have polar night from 27 November until 14 January next year and it looks like this:

No, it doesn’t! Just kidding.

Polar night (the English term) does not mean, that it is dark all day. Only, that the sun won’t rise or set. The Norwegians – more affected than other countries – have two words. They call the polar night mørketid (darkness time) and reserve the term polarnatt (polar night) for the time where the sun is at more than six degrees below the horizon for the whole day. This applies only to places north of 72°33′ such as Bjørnøya or Svalbard.

Since it is not pitch-black I took a small ski promenade in the forests nearby. And so it looks like on a cloudy 1 December (-4 °C) on Tromsøya:


2 comments to “Back in Tromsø and it’s winter”

  1. Ulrich 2024-12-11 15:36

    Das ist trotzdem dunkel genug. Das Mondlicht dürfte aber für einen Fotografen eine Herausforderung sein oder kannst du damit tolle Fotos schießen?

  2. way-up-north 2024-12-12 19:55

    Wenn ich richtig fotografiere, nehme ich das Stativ. Es kommt aber auch vor, dass ich eine „richtige“ Kamera mit der Hand halte, und dann ISO und Blendenöffnung anpasse.

    Des öfteren habe ich aber auch keine Kamera dabei und in anderen Blogartikeln sind immer wieder iPhone-Fotos dabei.

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