5000 km
Day 50
Hooray, I had a travel jubilee today! My journey Nordkalotten 2015 turned 5000 km this morning. My car found a fine place for the jubilee and I just stopped on the road to take some pictures (when I took the picture of the 000.0, the car was still rolling). Dear Saab 9-5, thank you for supporting me on this long trip. What would I do without you.
By pure chance it is also day 50 of the journey, that means I had an average of 100 kilometres a day (including all the days where I didn’t even touch my car).
3 comments to “5000 km”
Sandra 2015-03-06 07:46
After 5000 km our long trips are allways ending .. nice that your journey is still going on. I hope your SAAB you further will accompanied loyal and reliable!
Allway good luck and take also care…
Ricarda 2015-03-06 08:35
Kann mich Sandra nur anschließen, weiterhin viel Glück und eine gute Fahrt für Dich und Dein Auto !
way-up-north 2015-03-12 07:11
Thank you, Sandra, danke Ricarda. Inzwischen bin ich wieder zu Hause.