Honningsvåg – Kirkenes

Day 51

To make it short: Yesterday evening I arrived in Kirkenes, that’s almost 600 km from Honningsvåg, where I started after breakfast. And 600 km in Norway is quite a long distance.

I took the E69 to Olderfjord and the E6 to Karasjok. I wasn’t in the mood to have a closer look at this little town so I just continued. The 92 to Finnland and the 970 along the winding river Tenojoki. The sun went down and I became hungry. I  found a little pizzeria and was glad, but it was already closed since 18:00 Finnish time which is 17:00 middle european time. Bad luck! To get something to eat – this part of Finnland is quite uninhabited – I bought a chicken wing in the grocery nearby. I continued the trip and crossed the border once more, being in Norway again. I stopped at a house that had rooms to rent. Would it be open in winter? Yes – but the room in the quite smelly and ugly house costed 850 NOK, that’s 99 Euro! I refused and continued my trip. After driving many, many hours I was hungry and tired. On a parking place in the middle of nowhere – meanwhile it was pitch dark – I nibbled my chicken wing and went on. I planned to visit a friend in Kirkenes but didn’t succeed to contact her yet. Anyway I would continue the journey to Kirkenes the same day and perhaps sleep in the car until I could contact the friend. That’s where my mood went down a bit – just a half cold chicken wing for dinner and sleeping in the car without any company.

Finally I arrived in Kirkenes, but I lacked the current phone number of my friend. At least the internet revealed the postal address. Finally I found the house – a flat-sharing community – but nobody seemed to be there. But I was lucky: Just before I entered my car again a woman left the house and helped me to contact my friend, who was staying at another place for some days. I took the car and 15 minutes later I arrived. Great! Now I didn’t only had a warm place to sleep but also company which I was very thankful for, because travelling alone is a bore sometimes.

Good travelling is having a cozy place to sleep, good company, enough food, internet for blogging and every now and then a hot shower.

4 comments to “Honningsvåg – Kirkenes”

  1. Annika 2015-03-08 08:41

    Lucky you!!! I’m glad it was “good travelling” again at last :-)

  2. Sylvia 2015-03-08 19:10

    Manchmal ist offenbar Durchhaltevermögen vonnöten, aber Beharrlichkeit zeichnet sich fast immer aus. Du hast ja bisher ne Klasse Reise hingelegt, da wird Dir der Rest auch noch gelingen, wobei ich hoffe, dass dieser Rest noch möglichst lange dauert, weil es immer noch hoch interessant ist, Deine Reisebeschreibungen zu lesen. Good luck also!

  3. Ma HB 2015-03-08 19:11

    Olaf, heights and deeps during your journey – and than fortunately you find a cosy house again. Very good! yours Ma HB

  4. way-up-north 2015-03-12 07:17

    Annika: Yes, me too. I was so glad, that I could meet my friend instead of sleeping in the car alone.

    Sylvia: So lange hat es nicht mehr gedauert, in einer langen Etappe bin ich vorgestern wieder zurück nach Hause gefahren.

    Ma HB: Yes, I was lucky again.

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