Hunting the cold – day #1
This article is part of the series “2016-01: Hunting the cold”.
Two days ago it looked like that it could by quite cold in Northern Sweden yesterday and today. I checked several places and their weather forecasts and Pajala with a forecasted temperature of -40.4 °C won. That’s good news, since Pajala is only 350 km away. Nikkaluokta for example is one of the coldest places in Sweden, is 537 km away and it will take more than 6 hours to travel to (when conditions are good).
Yesterday – 6 Jan, 2016 – I packed kamera, very warm clothes and all you need for ski tours into my Saab and started the trip. In Skelleftehamn it was -17 °C, but already 20 km away the temperature dropped to -20 °C.
I made a stop in Jävre. I’ve passed this place several times and every time I planned a future stop. Well, future was yesterday. Jävre – -23.3 °C.
I continued the trip and the temperature continued dropping. Round half past ten I could see the sun – it was bright red (the camera couldn’t catch this) and because of the higher latitude it was even lower above the horizon. -27 °C.
Now I continued driving to avoid arriving too late. Right after Svartbyn (E10) the thermometer dropped below -30 °C the first time. Round 40 km later I turned right. Here temperatures dropped below -33 °C. Near Pentäsjärvi – 25 km before Pajala – it got even colder: -36.9 °C. I probably experienced colder temperatures, but never saw such low numbers on a thermometer.
I found a quite low-priced room in the Hotell Smedjan but I continued driving around looking for nice (and cold!) places.
One of the most fascinating things in my opinion is the light in wintertime. Twilight may last hours or even the whole short morning, day, and evening and there are always soft pink colours in the sky. Just beautiful, but cold to take pictures of if you don’t have warm clothes. But when I have one thing, it’s cold weather equipment.
I looked for the airport, which is a bit out of town and quite tiny. It was closed. It’s the first airport I saw with an own parking place for reindeers. Good to know!
On my way back to Pajala I found a side road that headed to a small national park. I parked the car and walked the 700 meters to the cabin and the grill place in darkness. Of course it wasn’t pitch black, the snow and some thin clouds reflected the light of the city, giving enough light to see and walk. (The selfie is made with the iPhone which can take two photos until it will shut down because of the cold.
On the way back it was even colder: -38.8 °C. Now I got really hungry, drove back to the hotel and walked to the pizza restaurant. (Pizza and burger bars rule the Scandinavian north). Pajala by night:
Then I went home. I was glad that I have all I need for such a trip: A camera, food and a warm winter parka.
After a while I considered if I could catch the -40 °C now. It was warmer than expected, but let’s give it a try.
This time I took the road to Käymäjärvi (the name proofs, that Finland is not far away). Yes, here it was quite cold – below -39 °C. Between a swamp and the lake I stopped, since these low lands can be cold traps. I didn’t get lower temperatures but a view on the village and northern light (quite strong until I was ready to take pictures …)
On the way back to the main road I got my new personal cold record: -39.6 °C (sorry, no -40 °C)! When it’s really cold in Northern Sweden people take pictures of thermometers and show them in the internet. I will join this tradition. Voilà:
2 comments to “Hunting the cold – day #1”
Martin 2016-01-08 08:32
Ich finde, das ist eine schöne kleine Bildserie über die Kälte, etwas, das man nicht direkt fotografieren kann. Das warme Tageslicht bewirkt allerdings, dass einige Bilder nicht eisig wirken.
“Jävre” und” late sunrise” wirken ziemlich kalt, auch noch “a dark cabin” und “mainroad” und natürlich das Bild der “Aurora”. Für mich hängt der Kälteeindruck stark mit der Farbe zusammen. Um kalt zu wirken sollen zwar auch warme Farben im Bild sein, aber nur klein um als Kontrast für die dominierenden kalten Farben zu wirken. Die beiden Sundown Bilder wirken winterlich aber nicht kalt.
Bei den meisten Bildern höre ich den Schnee unter den Stiefeln knirschen, und das ist zeimlich winterlich. Ich bin gespannt auf den 2. Tag!
way-up-north 2016-01-08 10:20
Für mich ist seit dem Wochenende Pastellrosa eine Farbe der Kälte, Martin. Das liegt aber weniger an der wirklichen Kälte, die sich mit der Kamera nicht einfangen lässt, sondern daran, dass dies die vorherrschende Farbe am Horizont war, so lange es hell war. Da merkt man, wie weit im Norden man ist.