Farewell Ekkerøy
This article is part of the series “2018-03: Varanger peninsula”.
Day 37 of my winter journey 2018
Today we bade Ekkerøy farewell. When I woke up this morning, 5 cm of fluffy snow had fallen and covered everything except the road that already had been cleared of snow. On the beach however ice and the new snow still were present.
After breakfast we packed the car and cleaned the house Skjeldrum, that we had hired for four nights. We said goodbye to L. from whom we rented the house and left the village Ekkerøy behind.
We took the E 75 southwards: Kiby — Vadsø — Vestre Jakobselv – Nesseby — Varangerbotn. Tomorrow we will head to Berlevåg, today we stay in Seida near Tana, which is already on the way.
But before that we made a detour: We took the E 6 to Byluft to visit Helmer Losoa and his incredible Sea Sami Collections. We’ve been there last year and were looking forward to meet Helmer and visit this museum again.
To the article about the Sea Sami Collections.