+++ breaking news +++ aurora on the Hurtigruten +++
Day 42 of my winter journey 2018
Just one hour ago: Aurora on the Hurtigruten ship MS Nordnorge just behind Skervøy, and what a nice one!
I was glad to find a place for me and my tripod because there were a lot of other travellers – mostly tourists – out and watched the northern lights. They made photos with any camera they had; from smart phone to DSLR camera with tripod.
I used ISO 1600, ƒ 1/2.8 and an exposure time of 4 seconds. To my surprise some of the photos were quite sharp although the ship was moving.
4 comments to “+++ breaking news +++ aurora on the Hurtigruten +++”
Christiane 2018-03-14 21:51
Wow! Awesome!
way-up-north 2018-03-14 23:19
… and it continued for hours. Perhaps still continuing, but I don’t know because I’m going to sleep now.
Johanna 2018-03-15 05:15
Hej Olaf
kann es doch nicht lassen : wunderschöne Aufnahmen : )
way-up-north 2018-03-15 20:50
Hej Johanna, das war auch ein wirklich schönes Nordlicht.