Back home again

Day 44 of my winter journey 2018

Ok folks, I’m tired, let’s keep it short and simple:

 ►►► I hereby declare the winter trip 2018 over.

After a long car ride starting in Ørnes Annika and I arrived in Skelleftehamn at 5 pm and I’m home again.

The part through Norway took a long time as usual because of the road bending and twisting left and right, up and down. The part through Sweden was much faster, but a bit of a bore, since there is not so much to see beside of snowy forests (ok, there is more to see, but not if you just want to come home).

We had blue sky the whole journey and temperatures between -5 °C and -20 °C.

In Skelleftehamn there’s still a lot of snow and the fence in the backyard is snowed under. Just now (19:57) the sky is clear in Skelleftehamn and the temperature is -13.6 °C. No polar lights (yet).

Some random useless facts about the journey:

  • 3798 kilometres by car
  • 59 hours by Hurtigruten
  • 4 different countries
  • -34 °C coldest temperature (and -25.8 °C home in Skelleftehamn)
  • only 1 day with rain and degrees above zero
  • overnight stays at 18 different places (if I counted right)

Some missing blog articles that I’ll write the next days:

That’s all for today,


5 comments to “Back home again”

  1. Johanna 2018-03-16 20:49

    Glückwunsch zu Eurer guten Heimkehr :-)

  2. carlo 2018-03-16 21:56

    Ja Klasse …. muss Dich die Tage mal besuchen und über Russland und Nordkap aushorchen … grins …
    gruss aus Lillögda

  3. way-up-north 2018-03-17 11:32

    Johanna: Danke!

    carlo: Komm gerne vorbei, falls Du mal in der Nähe bist.

  4. astrid 2018-03-17 14:59

    Tolle tour! Tolle Bilder! Danke, dass wir “mitreisen” durften.

  5. way-up-north 2018-03-17 16:56

    Gerne, astrid! Grüß alle schön.

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