After spending Christmas in Southern Germany I started travelling back to Skelleftehamn in several stages.
28.12. – Augsburg—Bremen
First a local train to Ingolstadt, then a 1st class seat to Bremen, where I spent the night. In the North German Plain it was really foggy.
Both trains were in time and the journey was comfortable. Sorry folks, no Deutsche Bahn bashing.
29.12. – Bremen—Mölndal
The next day my friend Delle picked me up by car. He wanted to visit me in Skelleftehamn and I took the opportunity for getting a lift home. The first day we travelled to Flensburg, through Denmark and then to Mölndal near Gothenburg, where we took a hotel room.
30.12. – Mölndal—Umeå
Why Mölndal? There is a tyre dealer where you can hire winter tyres with spikes. After breakfast we drove to the garage and Delle’s car got spiked tyres. Then we headed east to Gävle and then north to Umeå which took the whole day.
Did we need the tyres? Not yet – the temperatures were extremely high. 10.5 °C in Vesterås and 6.5 °C in Sundsvall. Especially the first half of the journey was quite boring. Trees to the left, trees to the right. A house. A bus stop and again. Trees to the left, trees to the right. Later there was more to see – even in the darkness.
I think it was 22:30 when we arrived in Umeå, but I’m not sure. I was soo tired!
31.12. – Umeå
Finally a nice day with sun and even a bit of frost! First Annika, Delle and I bought some side dishes for the lamb chops that Delle brought from home. Then we took a short tour to catch some wintry impressions before it would get warm again.
And then: New Year’s Eve – A happy new year to you all!
1.1. – Umeå—Skelleftehamn
The last stage of the journey was short – just 130 km and I was home again after eleven days with seven different overnight stays. I’m very glad about being home again but also disappointed.
The weather is just awful. It is warm and grey, last night it rained. The roads are extremely icy and slippery. Today I took a bend on a minor road and the car just slid sideways despite the four-wheel-drive and the “Nokian Hakkapeliitta 9” – one of the best spiked winter tyres you can buy. Luckily nothing happened to the car since I took the bend quite slow (but apparently still too fast).
The whole of Scandinavia is much too warm – up to 16 °C warmer than normal and Norway broke several warmth records. It was warmest in Åndalsnes with 18.6 °C! Even though it will become a bit colder there is no stable cold winter weather in sight.
We know that the man-made climate change will lead to much warmer winter weather in Scandinavia. Maybe we have already started to witness the effects. It might be only the beginning of more drastic changes in the future.
Addendum (3.1.)
Another record: 19 °C were measured in Sunndalsøra, Norway yesterday. This is the highest winter temperature ever measured in all of Scandinavia.
2 comments to “Thaw”
Johanna 2020-01-03 01:20
Hoffen wir das Beste …….. und arbeiten daran ,eine Änderung zu schaffen !
Elijah 2020-01-03 09:12
Åndalsnes, 18,6*C is what they told yesterday all morning, I’ll never forget this record! And I came to Norge to experience a real winter. Icesheets on rivers and flooded fields. But snow last night, I am up to Trondheim. No one can deny climate change no more!