After autumn comes winter?
This article is part of the series “2021-07: Back in Tromsø”.
Two days ago I took a promenade to take some autumn photos. I soon broke of the walk because the asphalt was partly frozen and slippery as hell. It was a mistake to leave my spikes home.
On my mountain tour yesterday I both experienced autumnal and wintry conditions. And I had spikes for my boots with me. While I had been writing the blog article yesterday it had started snowing and that’s how it looked today.
My first snow in Tromsø this season. Yay! 8–10 cm had fallen and while I walked to work it started to snow again. Temperature was below zero and the snow was fluffy. It was fun to walk in the snow.
Looks like winter, doesn’t it? But if the forecast is right it will get warmer again already tomorrow afternoon and rain a lot in the night. A short pleasure.
2 comments to “After autumn comes winter?”
Johanna 2021-11-08 20:37
Wettervorhersagen müssen ja nicht immer stimmen:-) ich drücke Dir die Schnee-Wunsch-Daumen!!!!
way-up-north 2021-11-08 21:28
Der Winter hat ja noch nicht einmal angefangen, Johanna. Aber schön wäre es schon mit frühem Schnee. Besser als Glatteis.