Sol, sol, kom igjen, sola er min beste venn!
This article is part of the series “2023-03: Svalbard”.
It is 8 March 2023, a special day in Longyearbyen. While polar night ended already three weeks ago today is the first opportunity to see the sun in Longyearbyen above the mountains in the south. A special day after the sun disappeared in October last year. And as you can see it is a big celebration!
After some singing the moment has come. All people are shouting: “Sol, sol, kom igjen, sola er min beste venn!” – Sun, sun, come back, the sun is my best friend!
But the chanting was in vain: the sun didn’t appear. Some children are in doubt – was it the clouds or didn’t they shout loud enough.
But now it’s only a matter of waiting. Already in six weeks the time of polar day and midnight sun will begin.
Kudos for the musicians. Must be hard to play guitar or piano when windchill is round -23 °C. Brrr!