Back in Tromsø – an autumnal walk

After five weeks of travelling with just two intermediate days I have come back to my work home Tromsø two days ago. Now I’ll stay here for a while.

Yesterday I have started working in the office again and today I walked home from the lake Prestvannet to my apartment after work. That’s five kilometres. Weather and nature have been showing, that summer says farewell and the wind is strong enough to tear out some of the tree’s green leaves, too. From today on I’ll try to take a one-hour walk every day. Let’s see, how long I’ll keep up that habit.

Some photos from today. Just the iPhone and some editing in Lightroom.

3 comments to “Back in Tromsø – an autumnal walk”

  1. Ulrich 2024-09-20 16:21

    Das sind ja wieder mal richtig tolle Fotos mit jeder Menge Farbe.

  2. Annika Kramer 2024-09-20 16:28

    So schön!!

  3. way-up-north 2024-09-22 20:23

    Farbe wird hier noch ein paar Mal Thema sein, bis der Wind alle Blätter abgerissen hat. Dann wird es wieder schwarz-weiß.

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