November thaw
It took only four days to melt away 47 cm of snow.
Last Sunday I used skis to glide over the snow in the forest. However, the forecast at yr showed already that this pleasure would be temporary. And yr was right. It became much warmer and rained a lot. My way home on Wednesday was wet and so was the jogging on Thursday.
On Monday the snow depth had been 47 cm. On Friday it was zero. Thaw and the amount of rain led to flooding and several roads and bridges were closed. In the forest and on the bogs it looked like autumn was back.
Today I took another promenade through the near forest and felt like being back in October regarding the weather. With a clear difference: Having this cloudy weather it is not longer bright outside anymore.
Sixteen more days and the polar night in Tromsø starts with the absence of the sun for the following seven weeks. The darker it gets the more I’m longing for snow. It makes everything brighter.
4 comments to “November thaw”
Annika Kramer 2024-11-10 22:10
Sehr sehr sehr sehr nass…..
way-up-north 2024-11-10 22:14
Ja. Und viele Wege sind inzwischen Bäche.
Ulrich 2024-11-30 16:41
Es mag nass sein, aber dafür wieder schön grün. Nach den letzten zwei Artikel eine Abwechslung. Wie sieht es heute wettermäßig aus?
way-up-north 2024-12-01 07:34
Hallo Ulrich. Ich bin erst seit gestern wieder in Tromsø. Inzwischen haben wir etwas Frost und so 60 cm Schnee. Ich werde wohl heute die Skier auspacken, aber nicht lange, denn die Polarnacht hat begonnen und es ist nicht lange hell.