Longing for snow and wintriness

The winter has been quite inconstant and too warm. When snow had fallen it melted away soon. Every other day in January the temperature has been above zero. According to the forecast it will stay like this the next ten days: A bit above zero, a bit below zero, a bit of snow, a bit of rain.

That’s not what I expect when living in Norra Norrland – the “northern northland” of Sweden. I’m longing for constant coldness, at least enough to prevent snow melting away. I’m longing for more snow than just some old hard patches remained from early November snow.

I guess, these ice fellows are longing for snow and wintriness, too. They look a bit sad:

The winter seems to be everywhere:

And here? New snow? No, нет, لا! That’s hard to bear when you’re a photographer that tries to specialise in winter.

2017-01-29 18:24

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