103rd February

Today morning was the 103rd February. It has been so cold and snowy the night and morning that I refused to call it 14th May.

Some random photos, taken between 6 and 7 o’clock where temperatures had started being above zero again:

It took the sun some time to melt away the late snow, but this evening most of the snow was gone and I was content to call today’s date 14th May again.

Winter is finally gone. Winter is gone? Well, if you’ll look at the photos below you see that most of the lake Rudtjärnen is still covered with ice and that due to the cold temperatures this evening even the open parts starts to freeze over again.

But hey, that’s part of Spring, too. So I just say: winter is finally gone! Am I right? We’ll see …


2 comments to “103rd February”

  1. Annika 2017-05-15 08:23

    Echt irre, der Kontrast!!! Viele Gruesse aus dem Sueden <3

  2. way-up-north 2017-05-21 22:09

    Und der hier erst: Nur eine Woche später

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