26 August: Kungsleden day 7 – a resting day in Nallo

This article is part of the series “2017-08: Kungsleden hike”.

The whole night the gusty wind howled in the chimney and heavy blows seemed to shake the whole hut again and again. Already in the evening before the temperature had dropped to 1 °C and when we woke up it looked like that:

To continue our hike under these conditions would be difficult and troublesome. What a lucky coincidence that we planned a day off in Nallo. But what should we do, if the wintry weather would continue or even intensify and we would get snowed in?

A notice pinned to the wall informed about helicopter prices. A flight to Nikkaluokta for up to four people costs 4600 SEK (approx. 480 Euros). That’s quite affordable and could be a possibility to reach civilisation if we were forced to abandon our Kungsleden tour because of the weather. Anyway, the day just had begone – just wait and see … .

G., the stugvärd asked Andi and me if we could fix the door of her stugvärd toilet. She had used the toilet in the night and a wind gust had snatched the door out of her fingers so violently, that one of the metal hinges had been torn off. Luckily the door jammed and was save for the moment. Andi and I could help her and fixed the door. (As a matter of fact it was mostly Andi who fixed it as the photo below reveals.)

Katrin and Annika were also not idle. Katrin sawed logs of wood into 30 cm long pieces, so that they would fit into the oven. Annika chopped them into pieces. All the more we valued the oven that held our rooms warm and cozy.

Annika surprised us with pancakes for lunch, she had pulverised pancake dough with her. She used half of her supply and we got 2½ pancakes each – delicious!

Meanwhile the weather changed for the better. It got a bit warmer and the snow in the valley Stuor Reaiddávággi started to melt. The wind fell off and breaks in the clouds appeared. Good news for us who wanted to continue our tour on the next day, even if we all enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere at Nallo and the beauty of the landscape around.

We took a midday nap, solved a puzzle, played Yahtzee and finally we prepared dinner, this time tortellini with dried feta cheese and chanterelle mushrooms. We were eating inside while the reindeers, who had been around the hut all the time were grazing outside.

Again it was worth to have a day off in Nallo.

Recommendation for nice people:

Nallo is worth a visit! The hut is cosy and the landscape is of a special beauty. You can enjoy the much more familiar atmosphere compared to the larger huts on the Kungsleden and the arctic scenery around.

Recommendation for not so nice people:

Nallo sucks! The hut is small and has neither sauna or shop. All ways from and to Nallo are difficult to go and as you can see, the weather is always awful. Stay away!

5 comments to “26 August: Kungsleden day 7 – a resting day in Nallo”

  1. Annika 2017-09-09 15:49

    *seufz* <3

  2. Rainer Haas 2019-08-11 08:37

    Wie schön Annika! Wir haben vor, das nächste Jahr später (erst Mitte August) hochzufahren! Da rechnen wir natürlich auch schon mit dem ersten Schnee.

  3. Jörg Rapp 2019-08-12 08:07

    Hadert ihr jetzt mit dem Wetter oder was? – In Arizona ist es angenehm heiß. – Dort würde ich mich wieder für Schwedens Norden entscheiden.

  4. Jörg Rapp 2019-08-12 08:10

    Einen Heli nimmt man nur, wenn man ihn lebensnotwendig braucht. Ihr habt wohl zu viel Geld.

  5. way-up-north 2019-08-12 08:35

    Jörg Rapp: Ich liebe Winterwetter, auch im August und fand das Wetter auf Nallo deswegen toll. Wenn es aber dazu geführt hätte, dass alle Felsen über Tage vereist gewesen wäre, dann wäre es vielleicht nicht sicher gewesen, ohne Grödel oder anderes Winterequipment weiterzulaufen. Dann wäre ein Tourabbruch – mit Helikopter – eine Alternative gewesen. So war’s aber besser und schöner.

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