Retrospect: a rainy autumn

The day before yesterday a blog post on the weather page of Balderskolan caught my eye. The school Balderskolan in Skellefteå has its own weather station and has been collecting statistical data since 2002.

Here some statistics from August to October the last three years. The data is taken from the blog entry. And as you see – the last months have been very wet indeed compared to the two years before.

Number of days with rainfall

2015 2016 2017
August 7 st * 11 st 18 st
September 6 st 5 st 21 st
October 6 st 8 st 19 st
Total 19 st * 24 st 58 st

Precipitation in mm

2015 2016 2017
August 39 mm * 38 mm 59 mm
September 28 mm 18 mm 81 mm
October 4 mm 5 mm 79 mm
Total 71 mm * 61 mm 219 mm

(* data for the first seven days in August 2016 is missing)

2 comments to “Retrospect: a rainy autumn”

  1. Annika 2017-11-10 21:09

    Jetzt stell Dir das mal als Schnee vor!!!

  2. way-up-north 2017-11-10 21:12

    Hab schon gerechnet:

    2016 sind im Oktober 5mm Regen und im November 83 cm Schnee gefallen.

    Danach müsste im November 2017 83 cm × 79 mm ÷ 5mm = etwa 13 Meter Schnee fallen.

    Ist ganz gut, dass Wettersysteme nicht linear sind …

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