Snow report May 4 2018

Winter lovers in Skelleftehamn, you have to face it: winter is over and the snow is melting fast. Almost the entire property is free of snow. There is however some snow left round my house, so let’s check it out:

1. Next to the neighbours garage (45 cm)

There’s a pile of snow next to the garage. Anyway, that doesn’t really count. It’s remnants of a roof avalanche that slid down weeks ago.

2. Behind the garden hedge (33 cm)

There’s snow in the shadow of the garden hedge. Anyway, that doesn’t really count. That’s the place, where I had my personal snow dump.

3. On the garage driveway (47 cm)

There’s an icy pile of snow on the garage driveway. Anyway, that doesn’t really count. That’s the place, where my neighbour dumped the snow when he cleared the snow for me while I travelled around in February and March.

4. On the lawn (2 cm)

There’s a shallow spot of snow in the progress of melting. That snow does count as a matter of fact. No one moved snow to this place, it’s the last real remnant of the long winter 2017/18.

Incidentally, the last photo reminds me of Dr. Seuss’ children book The Cat in the Hat.

This will probably will be the last article about snow for a longer while. I probably won’t find any snow in June, July, or August. Or what do you think?

4 comments to “Snow report May 4 2018”

  1. Annika Kramer 2018-05-04 23:34

    Könnte ich ein Übersichtsbild vom Garten bekommen?

  2. Christiane 2018-05-05 08:18

    Thanks for a long season with lots of wonderful snow photos. See you again in …September? Have a nice summer, Christiane

  3. Johanna 2018-05-05 18:49

    Es soll wohl so sein. …….der allerletzte Schnee :-(
    Da lässt sich bestimmt nichts mehr finden. ….

  4. way-up-north 2018-05-07 07:31

    Annika Kramer: PM ;-)

    Christiane: I take even pictures without snow and ice. Check the latest article with photos of Visby, Gotland

    Johanna: So sehr ich den Winter liebe, es ist dann auch gut nach über sechs Monaten Schnee und Eis.

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