Day 6 – Finjasjön

This article is part of the series “2019-07: Southern Sweden”.

13 July, Hovdala and Finja

When we leave the car at the parking place of the castle Hovdala slott the first think I see and hear are the bees at the beehives. The bees are lucky, they have their own huge flower field, where red poppy, blue cornflowers, white oxeye daisies and many other flowers bloom.

We take some ice cream at the café and start our promenade. We want to go north to the lake Finjasjön, walk along the lake and head south again. It’s quite easy to get lost, because there are zillions of paths, tracks and small roads. Many of them are marked but not necessarily at the important points. Therefore we randomly follow some tracks or roads, trying to use a local paper map and the sun for orientation.

We follow some signs to the Trädhuset – the tree house, a café build on a high wooden platform between the trees. First all people sit outside but that changes with the incoming thunderstorm. It’s raining hard and Annika and I consider how to get back to the car. We don’t have rain clothes with us.

We are lucky, the thunderstorm is moving away and soon the sun is shining again. We walk back, this time using the smartphone for navigation. Although it’s barely 20 °C the air feels damp and hot. With the digital guidning we are soon back at the car, just before it starts raining again.

Since it is raining we cancel our bathing plans. Instead we had north where we take another promenade and visit the Finja Church. Finja itself is a small locality with 600 inhabitants. The church however had great importance in the middle age. It was build in the 12th century and some of the old chalk paintings are created round 1140.

We were lucky that the church was open and we even got a guided tour. The guide mentioned that this church comes from the end of the viking time, long before the existence of nations like Denmark or Sweden.

The weather was still showery, so we decided to postpone bathing and drive back to our hosts house.




4 comments to “Day 6 – Finjasjön”

  1. Margrit Schneider 2019-07-15 11:42

    Hallo, in my head i am travelling with you. I hope the weather will be better next time. In HB the heaven is boring grey since several days..
    Michael C and his wife have holidays in swiss and they have changing weather too.
    I hope you will have a very good journey with sunshine ! Yours Ma

  2. way-up-north 2019-07-15 15:28

    Dear Ma,

    hopefully the weather will brighten up tomorrow. We want to travel along the southeast cost along the sandy beaches and bathing is much more fun in the sun.

  3. Johanna 2019-07-15 15:30

    Hej Olaf und Annika,
    ich fliege morgen nach Schottland und wenn ich dort sooo ein gutes Wetter habe wie ihr z.Z. , bin ich schon mal froh ! Meine Freundin meinte es wäre sehr warm (19°) :-)
    Aber ihr macht eine schöne Reise ……Süd-Schweden ist wohl spannend
    LG :-)

  4. way-up-north 2019-07-15 15:31

    Johanna Dann wünsche ich Dir eine schöne Reise mit für Dich passendem Wetter.

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