Day 19 – +30 °C

This article is part of the series “2019-07: Southern Sweden”.

July 26 – Crea Diem Bokcafé in Od Kyrkby and Solviken bathing place

It’s really hot weather in Europe and so in Sweden (though not as extreme as e.g. in Germany). Time to focus on drinking lemonade in the shadow in the book café, not moving too much, trying to avoid the wasps, eating ice cream and of course taking long baths in the lake Ärtingen together with our friends and hosts Annika and Jonas.

And with this recipe the day becomes another nice one on Annika’s and my summer holiday.

Later that day – after an abundant dinner – we played music together. Clarinet, viola, double bass and piano. Sorry, no recordings and no photos neither.

3 comments to “Day 19 – +30 °C”

  1. Margrit Schneider 2019-07-28 20:08

    That‘s great, so many instruments to make music and people, they can play. Or was it „cat music“ ?
    I wish you a good time, and not so hot.
    Yours Ma

  2. Johanna 2019-07-29 00:04

    Habe Kladdkaka -Torte bei “Söderberg ” in Edinburgh genossen. Ein bisschen Schweden als auch dort! War sehr lecker :-)

  3. way-up-north 2019-08-01 08:11

    Margrit Schneider: No, it was no cats’ concert, even though it was far from being perfect. And it was much fun to play together.

    Johanna Ich wusste nicht, dass es so was in Edinburgh gibt. Habe gerade gelesen, dass Söderberg dort sieben Filialen hat.

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