Day 23 – travelling north again
This article is part of the series “2019-07: Southern Sweden”.
July 30 – Falun—Grövelsjön
Yesterday morning a guest room in Vetlanda in the forestal Småland – today evening a tenting place in Grövelsjön in Dalarna’s fells. We are travelling north again.
Yesterday we travelled from Vetlanda to Hosjö/Falun where we met Alex in real life the first time. It was just an overnight stay because we wanted to take a detour on our journey home that would take a bit of time.
Tuesday, seven o’clock. We say goodbye to Alex who has to leave for work. I take a bath in the lake Hösjön nearby. After breakfast Annika and I pack our things together and leave Alex’ cosy house behind.
As Alex recommended we follow tiny roads through Dalarna County – a county I’ve never visited before. As parts of Småland the scenery is extremely charming and looks a bit like “Sweden in a nutshell”.
In Leksand we reach the Siljan, Sweden’s seventh largest lake. We take the southern road to Mora via Sollerön, an island in the Siljan. Although the road is near to the lake it leads mostly through forest so that we can see the lake only from time to time. That’s quite typical for Swedish roads.
In Åsen we take a short stop to take pictures of the wooden chapel.
We follow the road 70 to Idre and turn right in the road to Grövelsjön. The trees become smaller and the mountains on the horizon higher. I’m glad to approach the fjäll, my favourite Swedish landscape. We make a last stopover at the church …
… then we arrive at our destination for today: Grövelsjön Fjällstation. This mountain station is operated by the STF – the Swedish Tourist Association. As we already have expected there are no rooms left, but we have a tent with us, that we set up in a sparse birch forest in the middle of other colourful tents. After dinner – pasta with pesto cooked in the common kitchen – Annika goes into the sauna while I take a short hike up the mountain. I do not reach the top of the Jakobshöjden, but at least the kalfjäll above the treeline.
There are no mountains home in Skelleftehamn, but after the sandy beaches of Österlen in Skåne and the mixed woodlands of Småland I feel home again when I see these landscapes. It’s still more than 630 km to Umeå and 750 to Skelleftehamn. But we do not plan to drive home yet – au contraire! Tomorrow we will travel to Norway.
2 comments to “Day 23 – travelling north again”
Johanna 2019-08-03 19:00
Ja, der Norden hat schon was besonderes. Finde es landschaftlich viel wahrhaftiger und ursprünglicher dort. Deine Reisebeschreibung zeigt zwar insgesamt ein tolles Land aber ich kann Deine Liebe zum Fjäll nachvollziehen. Aber ich urteile ja nur nach Fotos. Sollte vielleicht selber nachschauen :-)
way-up-north 2019-08-04 10:25
Selber nachschauen ist ja immer gut.
Ich muss auch zugeben, dass die Reise im Süden ganz anders verlief. Hier war der Hauptfokus auf Freunde besuchen und nicht auf Natur entdecken und Fotografieren.