Just a detour to work

This article is part of the series “2020-10: New in Tromsø”.

Though Saturday I went to the Norwegian Polar Institute yesterday to get a handover from a former colleague. I went however not the direct way (20 minutes) but a long detour (90 minutes) to catch some air and some light before being in the office until dark.

Just some photos taken with my mobile.

It’s nice to go lightweight and taking pictures with the iPhone. While the photos are impressive considering the size of the lens and sensor, the quality is of course long from that of my Nikon. So next time I’ll carry more weight but probably I’ll be more content with the image quality afterwards.


2 comments to “Just a detour to work”

  1. Annika 2020-11-15 11:19

    Ich würde mich ja über Bilder von den schnuckeligen Häusern in Weihnachtsbeleuchtung freuen. Noch mehr würde ich mich freuen, wenn Du es nicht mehr schaffst, diese Bilder zu machen. ;-)

  2. way-up-north 2020-11-15 11:22

    Ja. Sehe ich genau so.

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